Congratulations, you have been selected to make your exchange with us. Welcome to the first step of your IHECSPERIENCE! If you don’t know much about Brussels, I invite you to read this article, in which you’ll learn what makes Brussels a vibrant city to study in!
An exchange abroad is an unbelievable experience: you meet tons of new friends, you get to know new cultures and you also learn a lot about yourself. However, sometimes the first weeks are not easy to go through, and you might feel homesick. That is why, to make sure you journey starts as good as possible, we’ve organized for you an integration week.
What is it?
Two weeks before the courses start, you’ll get morning classes and afternoon visits in order to give you an insight of the many Brussels’ faces. You’ll learn about Belgian cultural and political specifies, about Brussels as the capital of Europe and of course about the Belgian medias. To give you a practical taste of this, we’ll go on day trips around Brussels through many exciting visits. And don’t worry, we’ll have break during which you’ll get to try our delicious crispy fries and foamy beers. After this week, I swear, you won’t feel as a tourist anymore. Well, I let our exchange students from last semesters explain it to you:
“I really enjoyed the integration week. I felt a lot more at home in only one week. I loved all the visits, the guided tour, the french fries and the first night beer. What a perfect start!”
• Madgalena, Germany.“As a typical Asian student, everything was new for me: the city, the food, the metro system, the language, the people. At first I was a little bit scared, but thanks to the integration week, I met lots of new friends from all around the world. The staff treated us like family considering each and every one of us. Thanks to the various visits we made, I felt like a kind of expert in Brussels now, and I’m a lot more confident to move around in the city.”
• Viran, Sri Lanka.“This week has been helpful for everybody. Now we have a good group of friends and we see each other very often. it’s a good start for the semester, most for those who come alone or who live far away.”
• Frederic, Switzerland